Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

Speech in inglish for final exam

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good night everybody
Firstly, Let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, guidance and His blessing to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting  always deliver  on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.
We know and realize when it is so much happening so-called juvenile delinquency. Various negative or deviant acts committed by teenagers seem to be considered by them as ordinary and some even regard it as an honor. They say it shows a symbol of courage. This is certainly very worrying.
This is a social problem infecting our youth today that deviant behavior is often referred to juvenile delinquency.
The cause of the problem of juvenile delinquency can vary. Could be due to one of the parents in the upbringing or parents who are too busy with his work. Could also be because it is not exactly in choosing friends / social environment that can cause terjerumusnya the wrong crowd. There is a feeling in the lives of teenagers that have many friends is a form of the plume.
Perhaps once we have a lot of friends as long as we have to be good at picking friends against which behavior is wrong and what behavior is good and true friend.
There are so many kinds of juvenile misbehavior-tiger like cigarettes and drugs began to recognize that initially just trial and error but it would make sense to try us become addicted so hard to quit smoking or drug addiction, which caused us sakau and to wean the must be by way of rehabilitation (for drug addicts). And many more adolescent deviant behaviors such as incoming motorcycle gang, like brawls, drunkenness etc..
Let’s stay away from deviant behaviors because it is self-inflicted, should we use during our teenage years with things in a positive and beneficial to themselves, their parents and also the nation.
My friends I’m proud of,
Even though our parents did not teach in full so that you become a good person but wish they certainly want their children to be good people. No one wants their children the parents behave badly.
Therefore you do not need to blame the parents or any other person but yourself alone must be able to keep yourself and get to choose which ones are good and which are bad.
Choose the environment and your friends hanging out selectively. Do not just happy. If the environment that will plunge you better not approach it at all. Many places of positive slang that you can choose either at school or outside the school environment.

That’s all I can say in this speech.Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.


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